Why Jesus?

Life can be hard, people can be cruel and the demonic can cause chaos.

Yet Jesus dethroned the darkness of the spiritual realm and its impact in the hearts of man.

Jesus started a revolution of love that rescues souls, restores bodies, renews minds and redeems time. Jesus loves you. Not in a, ‘you love chocolate’ kind of way, but with an unconditional, irreversible and never let you down kind of love.

If you would like to know more, we would love to buy you a brew and connect, or you can visit us, get in touch or read on!


Lead singer of U2


Lead singer of U2

‘No it’s not far-fetched to me. Look, the secular response to the Christian story always goes like this: he was a great prophet, obviously a very interesting guy. But actually Christ doesn’t allow you that.  He doesn’t let you off that hook.

Christ says, “I am God incarnate”.

So what you are left with is: either Christ was who he said he was, or a complete nutcase. I’m not joking here.

The idea that the entire course of civilisation for over half the globe could have its fate changed and turned upside down by a nutcase, for me that’s far-fetched.’

So how are you, really?

Jesus loves you. He wants you well, free, and uninhibited by life’s challenges. So, we love you too, and we’re here to help any way that we realistically can.

We aren’t a replacement for the hospital or doctor, but we do believe in miracles and are here to pray and believe for your miracle with you, be it a freedom from difficulties in your heart, mind or body. We are experienced in loving people back to life and practically serving and equipping them to get back on their own two feet with a healed heart.

If we can pray with you or help guide you to trusted professionals or support your healing journey through any of the below, please don’t delay, get in touch today. You are loved!

Crisis Help

Feeling overwhelmed and at the end of yourself? Don’t battle on alone. A problem shared is a problem halved, we are here to listen and help where we can and point you in the direction to get the urgent support you need.

– Financial crisis
– Mental health crisis
– Suicidal thoughts
– Food crisis
– Relational crisis
– Abuse

Practical Help

We’re here to help. Sometimes even small things can feel overwhelming. You and your needs are not insignificant, so let us know if we can support you practically today. Some examples of ways we help are:

– Financial support
– Meals
– Company
– Errands
– Advice

Spiritual Help

We live in the in-between. The overlapping of the spiritual and natural world. Jesus empowers us to navigate the two and therefore we believe in miracles. So, if you want us to pray for you for healing, need a prophetic encouraging word, or if you feel like you’re struggling with spiritual issues like some of those listed below, Jesus can bring you freedom and we’re here to help!

– Prophecy
– Freedom from Occult/Freemasonry
– All Consuming Thoughts
– Demonic Interaction
– Addictive Behaviour
– Generational Behavioural Traits

Emotional Help

Thankfully, the world is coming to terms with the need to get us healthy mentally.

We can help support you in that, or, if needed, direct you to the support you require.

We’re here to listen and journey with you in complete confidence.

– Depressive thoughts
– Self-doubt
– Confusion
– Panic attacks
– Loneliness
– Anxiety

How can we help?